40 000 join Cape Town protest against Israeli attacks

An estimated 40 000 South Africans poured through central Cape Town on Wednesday 16 July 2014 to Parliament.

Some analysts say that yesterday’s #GazaUnderAttack protest in Cape Town was the biggest protest march since the Anti-Apartheid protests of 1980′s. The peaceful protest was organized by the Muslim Judicial Council, COSATU and others.

march 3The city came to a standstill at lunchtime as marchers handed a memorandum to the chairperson of Parliament’s international relations portfolio committee, Mr. Masango.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMr Masango addressing members of civil society in a meeting in February 2014 with the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on International Relations.

The huge crowd, which stretched over several city blocks, held aloft scores of banners and posters, calling for an end to the violence in Palestine’s Gaza Strip. “Free, free Palestine!” the protesters chanted outside the parliamentary complex.

march 2

We, the South African civil society want our government to sever all diplomatic and trade ties with Israel and to actively promote and implement boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel.


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